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6x HS - Single Item Compactor By Plasma Blade

Designed By Plasma Blade view their other litematics

Compat With 1.21
Tags Crafting System, Redstone, Storage
Downloads 10
Dimensions X:3 Y:6 Z:5
Block Count 41
Notes Designed to replace 6x shulker loaders in farms that can (e.g. bonemeal farms). The crafter will run at 6x hopper speed and off a water stream the same as a 6x shulker loader so it is easy to replace, the litematic does not have the water streams in it as u tend to stack these next to each other and will need to change the water anyway. There are 2 water streams u need to make (the top and the bottom) when making the top one, make sure that water is always on top of the piston. For the bottom one make sure that there is always water under the crafter, this will, make sure nothing gets stuck. Note that this will only work if the top water stream has only 1 item in it and it is a 3x3 compactable item, the crafter has to be placed so that the water stream runs towards the ice block with the obsorver under it (they can be stacked), so the items will fill the first 2 hoppers first.

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Fix Datapacks for 1.21