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Abfielder.com 2023 A Year In Review


Firstly a big thank you from me to all the creators that have taken their time to share litematics on abfielder.com and a thank you to those that have been cool with others sharing your creations, I will continue to do my best to attribute work correctly and do my best to drive views to your channels where you have them. We hit some really cool milestones in 2023, over 1 millions litematics downloaded, 5000 downloaded in a single day (we've already hit 6000 in 2024) and there were lots of big updates to the site particualrly in the early part of 2023.


Second I would just like to say a big thank you to each and everyone of you that have used this website, I hope you've found it a good experience and if not then join my discord let me know how I can improve it!


As we head into 2024 I have big plans to improve and expand the website, more articles, curated lists of the best litematics to help you find the good stuff, skins, datapacks and maybe even world downloads so watch this space.


So let's take a look at some of the amazing things from 2023.


Total Downloads

Not only did we hit 1 million downloads ever in 2023, the total downloads made in 2023 alone were a staggering 1,000,176 which is absolutely amazing and we're already on course to beat that in 2024.


Most Downloaded Litematics


Overgrown Survival Castle with InteriorBiggyDiggy728800
Iron Farm 70+ Stacks Per HourTheySix19209
Gold Farm (The donut)Ilmango15996
Ivy's Starter HouseIvysagee13295
Creeper Farm 1.18+ 11k per hourabfielder11866
Ocean Mega BaseCortezerino7762
Combi Villager Breeder, Curing and TrainingCapnBjorkIII7699
Ivy's Spruce HouseIvysagee7058
Big Spruce Survival BaseMr.Potato6685
Large FarmhouseDisruptive Builds6309


Most Downloaded Creators

Nevas Buildings17904
Miah Quests17330